William Blake House has a team of anthroposophical therapists and medically trained doctors providing services and clinics for the well-being of the people we support.
Therapy Clinics
Anthroposophic medicine starts with a conventional diagnosis, but the doctor or therapist is not guided simply by the symptoms or illness. Instead, they consider all aspects of the Individual's experience (commonly referred to as their biography) together with their capacity for self-healing and the ability for continuous development.
The Therapy Clinics at William Blake House are held regularly, attended by the therapists and anthroposophic doctor, as well as invited stakeholders including families. This is an opportunity for families to discuss the biography of their loved ones and share any insights during their early years. Our care staff will also attend together with the people we support, as an opportunity to participate in the clinics, and to discuss and share how activities are progressing as well as any behavioural changes.
Art Therapy
Art therapy helps to harmonise what has become one-sided, transforming habits by awakening new faculties of the imagination. It is based on the understanding of a human being in accordance with the image given by Rudolf Steiner. Subtle processes work on feelings and emotions to restore inner balance, which in turn affect the health of the physical body. Physical well-being and emotional life are deeply connected, so art therapy is able to complement the effect of prescribed medicines.
Participating in art therapy provides the opportunity to take part in one's own healing process as it stimulates individual initiative in accordance with one's own needs and aims. This strengthens inherent forces of health, which may have been displaced by illness.
Eurythmy is an expressive movement art originated by Rudolf Steiner in conjunction with Marie von Sivers in the early 20th century. Primarily a performance art, it is also used in education - especially in Waldorf education and as a movement therapy. The word 'eurythmy' stems from Greek roots, meaning beautiful or harmonious rhythm.
The gestures in the eurythmist's movement repertoire relate to the sounds and rhythms of speech, to the tones and rhythms of music and to 'soul experiences', such as joy and sorrow. Once these fundamental repertoire elements are learned, they can be composed into free artistic expressions. The eurythmist also cultivates a feeling for the qualities of straight lines and curves, the directions of movement in space (forward, backward, up, down, left, right), contraction and expansion, and colour.
Hydrotherapy uses water to provide or assist with physical therapy. Methods can include underwater massage, water jets, floatation, and the use of water or steam as a medium to administer aromatherapy oils and essences. Hydrotherapy can take place in the luxurious surroundings of the local spa, or in the comfort of the bathtub at home.
One form of hydrotherapy used in treatments is the oil dispersion bath. By finely dispersing the appropriate oil in a bath of warm water the oil can be gently absorbed directly through the skin. in this way the body has a fine layer of oil completely covering it, which continues to be absorbed during the rest period following the bath treatment.